轉貼 - 釣魚台到底是誰的?(下)
After the war the United States continued to administer the Okinawas, including the eight uninhabited islands, which are regarded by the Republic of China as islands “appertaining or belonging to said island of Formosa” ceded to Japan and self-evidently considered to be returned along with Formosa and the Pescadores when the Treaty of Taipei was signed with Japan in Taipei in 1952. Under the agreement, Japan renounced Taiwan and Penghu but did not specify the Republic of China as the country to which the islands would be restored. The United States has consistently maintained that there was no“return”of island territories to China after the close of hostilities in World War II, either due to the Japanese surrender ceremonies, or according to the specifications of the post-war treaties.
二戰結束後,美國管治沖繩群島(包含釣魚台列嶼),中華民國將釣魚台列嶼視為割讓給日本的「附屬島嶼」一部分,並認定1952年簽訂《中日和約》後,釣魚 台列嶼將連同台灣、澎湖一併歸還。根據《中日和約》,日本放棄對台灣、澎湖的一切權利與要求,但沒有明定應返還中華民國。美國一向主張,日本投降儀式上沒 有說明,或者二戰後所有簽定的條約也都沒有載明返還地的領土歸屬,因此沒有所謂「主權歸還」的問題。
In September 2010 Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Asian Affairs Jeffery Bade said that, “we do no take a position on the respective territorial claims of China and Japan towards the Senkaku Islands. But ? the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty covers all areas administered by Japan, and since the reversion of Okinawa from the U.S. to Japan in 1972, the Senkaku Islands have been administered by Japan.”
2010年9月,國安會亞洲事務資深主任、亞太事務副助卿貝德表示:「就中、日個別主張對尖閣諸島擁有主權一事上,我們不採取任何立場。但??《美日安保 條約》包含日本行政控制之所有區域,並且就1972年我方已將沖繩行政權移交日本政府的情形來看,尖閣島應由日本管轄。」
As a matter of fact, Japan has the weakest claim of sovereignty over the Tiaoyutais. The Treaty of San Francisco nullified all the previous treaty arrangements with regard to the Senkakus, and Tokyo’s sole legitimate claim is based on the U.S. transfer of administrative authority over the uninhabited islets endowed with rich fishery resources and vast undersea oil deposits. But Japan insists that its sovereignty over the islets is “indisputable.”
釣魚台列嶼無人居住但漁獲、油藏豐富。事實上,日本對釣魚台的主權主張最為薄弱,理由是先前涉及釣魚台的所有條約規定在《舊金山和約》後失去效力。而日本 唯一合法的主張,是基於美國將釣魚台列嶼行政權移交日本,但日本卻堅持釣魚台是日本的固有領土,擁有「不可爭論」的主權。
On the other hand, Taiwan has the strongest claim. Geologically, they are not part of the Okinawa chain, for they are separated by the Okinawa Trough. The Republic of China was in full control of Taiwan, including the Tiaoyutais considered“appertaining to said island of Formosa”when it concluded the Treaty of Taipei . But Taipei does not contest the Japanese coast guard patrols within the 12-mile territorial waters of the islets as their administrative authorities. All Taipei wants is to shelve the sovereignty dispute and jointly tap fishery and undersea oil resources with Japan.
相較之下,台灣的主張最有力,就地理位置上來看,沖繩海槽將釣魚台與沖繩群島隔開,而釣魚台位在亞洲大陸棚上,所以不屬於沖繩群島。《中日和約》生效後, 中華民國對台享有完全管制權,台灣附屬島嶼釣魚台也包含在內。但是台灣並沒有對日本進入12海浬領海巡視表示異議,只想要先擱置主權爭議,共同開發漁業及 油氣資源。
The main obstacle to the peaceful settlement of the Tiaoyutai issue remains Japan’s intransigency on the status of the islets. Tokyo dare not back down on its position that Japan has indisputable sovereignty over the tiny isles in the face of an increasingly large number of ultra-rightists who remain uneducated on Japan’s flimsy claim. These ultra-rightists also turn against the Russians who have refused to return the four dispute islands of the Kuriles, which Tokyo calls Japan’s Northern Territories.
因為日本對於釣魚台主權的態度強勢,釣魚台地位未定的爭議難以解決。近年來,日本極右派人士抬頭,日本政府在釣魚台主權上更不敢讓步,這些極右派人士並不 知道日本的主張其實很薄弱。極右派人士甚至將矛頭轉向俄國,指稱俄國尚未歸還南千島群島。日本聲稱千島四島為日本的「北方領土」。
The Treaty of San Francisco states Japan must give up all claims to the Kuriles but it does not recognize the Soviet sovereignty over the four islands of Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan and Habomai. Russia maintains that its sovereignty over the islands was recognized following agreements at the end of the Second World War, but Japan has disputed this claim. Japan’s position on the Tiaoyutais is just as intransigent as that of Russia’s on the four Kurile islands nearest to Hokkaido.
《舊金山和約》規定,日本必須放棄所有對千島群島的主權主張,但並沒有承認前蘇聯擁有北方四島的主權。該四島分別為擇捉島、國後島、色丹島和齒舞群島。前 蘇聯堅稱《雅爾達協定》生效後即享有千島群島的主權,但日本不接受。日本對於釣魚台及南千島群島主權主張皆十分強硬。
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has offered to host a three-way discussion of the dispute over the eight islets. Neither the People’s Republic nor Japan has accepted the offer, which, however, has not been extended to the Republic of China on Taiwan. China believes the United States sides with Japan, while Tokyo cannot welcome the American offer because of its ludicrous position that its sovereignty over the islets is indisputable. Moreover, if the United States were to become an impartial mediator, it would have to invite Taipei to take part in the discussion and note that Japan’s claim to sovereignty is based on a distorted version of late-nineteenth-century history that does not pass the international smell test.
2010年底,美國國務卿希拉蕊表示願意啟動三方會談共商釣魚台爭議,中、日都沒有接受邀請,而台灣則未獲邀請與會。中國認為美方態度傾日,日本則堅稱釣 魚台是固有領土,對其擁有無可辯駁的主權。此外,倘若美國真要居中斡旋,勢必也須邀請台灣與會,並重申日本的主權主張乃是建築在扭曲的19世紀歷史上,在 國際法上毫無法理可言。
A mediator should also remind Japan that, under Article 121(3) of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea , decisions of the International Court of Justice and international practice, these tiny, uninhabited spits of land that cannot sustain economic life on their own are not entitled to the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone and resources of the adjacent continental shelf enjoyed by genuine “islands.”
如果想居中斡旋,美國也應提醒日本,依照《聯合國海洋法公約》121條第3項、國際司法判例及各國的實踐,不適人居並不能維持自給經濟生活之岩礁,無法享 有200浬經濟海域與大陸礁層的主權權利。
In other words, Japan has to reassess its views on the international law of the sea. Those of its views that are plainly irresponsible only discredit others that deserve serious consideration. Perhaps most insulting to the world community is its claim that the rock called Oki-no-tori-shima that constitutes Japan’s southernmost “land,” a reef system with land at high tide no larger than a king-sized bed, is entitled to an exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
換言之,日本應重新審視自身對國際海洋法的觀點。其部分主張不但毫不負責任,更有損他國的國際信譽,抹滅他國政府主權伸張應獲重視的權利。也許對國際社會 最諷刺的一件事,是日本最南疆域的岩礁,稱之為「沖之鳥島」,漲潮時浮出陸地不過就一張大床般大小,竟也有權主張專屬經濟海域及大陸礁層。
Only then can the parties to the dispute negotiate to reconcile their differences to reach a compromise.Given the current international realities, the United States, though weakened by the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is still the only mediator to remove the threat to peace and security in the East China Sea. Moreover, the United States is obliged to help solve the issue it unwittingly aroused by transferring the Okinawas to Japan. Washington has to persuade Japan to give up its intransigent position, convince the People’s Republic that United States will be an impartial mediator, and invite the Republic of China on Taiwan to the negotiations to achieve a workable modus vivendi. The United States cannot afford to sit idly by, watching the East China Sea turn into another f lashpoint in Asia and the Pacific on top of the Korean Peninsula. Washington’s continued dithering is unproductive and may make the situation get out of control.
惟有日本醒悟自身主權主張何其薄弱時,爭執的各方才能化解歧見、達成妥協。就國際現勢來看,即便伊拉克、阿富汗戰爭削弱美國國力,美國仍是解除東海和平威 脅的不二人選。此外,美國更有義務解決把沖繩歸還日本所引發的爭端,除了須說服日本放棄強硬的主張外,還須確立斡旋調停的公正性、讓中國信服,並讓台灣加 入磋商,達成具體可行協議。美國不能袖手旁觀,坐視東海成為繼朝鮮半島後的第二個亞太火藥庫。美國若遲遲不採取行動,不僅曠日廢時,最終情勢恐將一發不可 收拾。
標籤: 雜談隨筆